Three basketball players from „Tornado“ BS represent Kaunas „Zalgiris“ team in Euroleague Youth (U18) tournament

February 7-9, 2014, Euroleague Youth (U18) tournament will be held at Kaunas Zalgiris Arena. Eight teams: Vilnius "Lietuvos Rytas (LTU), BBA Liudwigsburg (GER), Kiev Budivelnik (UKR), Moscow CSKA (RUS), Vladyslawowo SMS Pzkosz (POL), Prague UKS Future Stars (CZE), Riga VEF (LAT) and Kauno "Žalgiris" (LTU) try to win trip to final tour in Milan. This year three basketball players from "Tornado" BS - Valentinas Mitalauskas (1996), Matas Ragauskas (1996) and Justas Klimavičius (1997) will represent Kaunas "Zalgiris" team.
Valentinas Mitalauskas this season represents Tornado BS in Lithuanian Youth League of Basketball (MKL) and also plays in National League of Basketball team Šakių "Zanavykas". V. Mitalauskas spent average 36 minutes playing, scores avg 18,3 pts, 9,5 rebounds, makes 4 assists and steals almost 2 balls in MKL. Average effectivity 22.
Matas Ragauskas also represents Tornado BS in MKL and Šakių "Zanavykas" in NKL. taip pat atstovauja "Tornado" KM MKL ir žaidžia NKL Šakių "Zanavykas" ekipoje. M. Ragauskas spends avg 33 minutes playing, scores 16 pts, 4 rebounds, makes almost 5 assists, steals 1 and blocks 1,5. Average effectivity in MKL 13.
Justas Klimavičius - the youngest of all three players. Justas represents Tornado BS in MKL and also plays in NKL team Kauno "Žalgiris-2" this year. During this MKL season, he speds about 33 minutes playing, scores avg 23 pts, 8 rebounds, makes 1,6 assists, 2 steals. J. Klimavičius MKL rungtynėse vidutiniškai žaidžia po 33 minutes, pelno po 23 taškus, atkovoja po 8 kamuolius, atlieka po 1,6 rezultatyvius perdavimus, ir perima po 2 varžovų kamuolius. Average effectivity in MKL 20,9 balai.
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