Kaunas „Žalgiris“ won the Euroleague Youth (U18) tour in Kaunas

February 7-9, 2014, Euroleague Youth (U18) tournament were held at Kaunas Zalgiris Arena. Eight teams: Vilnius "Lietuvos Rytas (LTU), BBA Liudwigsburg (GER), Kiev Budivelnik (UKR), Moscow CSKA (RUS), Vladyslawowo SMS Pzkosz (POL), Prague USK Future Stars (CZE), Riga VEF (LAT) and Kauno "Žalgiris" (LTU) try to win trip to final tour in Milan. This year three basketball players from "Tornado" BS - Valentinas Mitalauskas (1996), Matas Ragauskas (1996) and Justas Klimavičius (1997) represented Kaunas "Zalgiris" team.
On Friday, February 7, Kaunas "Žalgiris" had a game with Moscow CSKA. J. Klimavičius ir V. Mitlauskas told, that excitement was high, especially before the first game. But after the match started, we must forget all the sensibilities and play as best as we can.
"The feeling of play on Zalgiris arena floors are indescribable in words,- told V. Mitalauskas. It was one of the most memorable things in my life, yet! Kauno "Zalgiris" won the match with the result 84:61. V. Mitalauskas scored 4 pts., M. Ragauskas - 3 pts.
In the evening, "Zalgiris" youth played with Germans - Porsche B Akademie Ludwigsburg. "Zalgiris" celebrated the second vicory with the result 50:65 (M. Ragauskas - 8 pts., V. Mitalauskas - 2 pts.)
Next day, "Zalgiris" team had a game with USK Future Stars Prague. "This match was the hardest - remembered J. Klimavicius. The result of this match has led or we played in the finals, or for third place, so the stresas was highest". After the hard match, "Žalgiris" continued their fight for trip to Milan. "Žalgiris" won this game 74:80 (M. Ragauskas 5 pts., V. Mitalauskas 2 pts.)
Finally, after beating Vilnius Lietuvos Rytas the second finalist became Ryga VEF. After very intensive match, "Žalgiris" won the tournament with the result 86:78. This victory meant that Kaunas “Žalgiris“ won the trip to final tour in Milan. V. Mitalauskas scored 6 pts., M. Ragauskas – 5 pts during the final game.
- Valentinai, what do You think, who contributed the most to the team winning?
- During the tournament I realized how important element in the basketball is positive emotions and a team atmosphere. These factors helped us to win this tournament. During the preparation time, I think, the most difficult was to “create” team, because all the players came from different schools. Team was the main weapon during all the Euroleague! Each player knew his place, there was no one there who strive for better statistical indicators, all we wanted to win and did it as a team. In Milan we go really not as tourists, the highest possible goals.